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A Chapter of the American Institute of Architects

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Licensure: ­Want to be an Architect? ­AIA has resources to help you along the way. ­­To become an architect you will need:


To become an architect, you should earn a National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) accredited degree. ­An accredited degree will make it possible for you to become licensed in all jurisdictions in the US. ­­For more information on the education requirements see NCARB, or to research schools check out the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture website. ­­­


Experience / Architectural Experience Program/AXP (formerly IDP)­­ ­
Candidates can establish a record and begin earning AXP credits upon receiving a high school diploma or its equivalent. ­Guidelines and information can be found on the website. ­AIA Florida also offers resources to AXP candidates ­including contact information for the Florida Licensing Advisor who can answer your specific questions.­ ­­


If you have questions, or suggestions for Associate-specific programming, please contact the chapter's Associate Directors. ­ See the board page for the names and emails of our current Directors.­



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